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AP Calculus
The Program offers students in grades 10 – 11 an intense academic option. The course can be taken to build the skills and confidence necessary for students to succeed in Advanced Placement courses the following year. A number of students who register for AP VC classes use the summer coursework as an opportunity to build a bridge/review for AP classes.
Topics: Limits; Derivatives, Area Under a Curve and Integration
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; The Chain Rule.
To enroll in this class go to our Moodle site, create a new account if you do not have one. When your account confirmed Login to the site, select you class end enroll.

Sergey Orlov
Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics Experience: Taught Mathematics in Specialized High Schools in the USA since 1999, during that time, taught advanced mathematics courses and served as a Math OLYMPIAD Team Coach.
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